Thursday, January 29, 2015


Happy Spring!
Daylilies are beginning to show their leaves, and before long will show off their blooms!

 If you are looking to add more daylilies to your gardens this year, here's an opportunity you don't want to miss. We have 25 varieties on our  "Buy One, Get One Free" sale (same variety).You may pre-order at any time by calling or emailing (see contact information on the right side of this page). Plants will be available for shipping, delivery or pick-up in late May/early June. The Sale runs through June 30. No payment is required until delivery.

Here's a peek at what's available & a link to the price list  2015 Pre-Season Daylily Sale

                                                                Addie Branch Smith
                                                Apricot - the first ever hybridized daylily,
                                                            and a very early bloomer!

                                                         Dominic - a lovely dark red
                                                      Double Daffy - a popular double
                                              Eggplant Ecstasy - another deep black red
                                                   Elfin - another very early blooming mini
                                             Jo Barbre - long blooming double, lots of buds
                                               Kindly Light - a favorite simple yellow spider
                                      Leprechaun's Wealth - light orange, long blooming mini
                                      Lullaby Baby - large light pink ruffled blooms that glisten
                                Paradise Prince - long blooming, small lavender-purple blooms

                             Penny's Worth - early yellow mini; great for rock gardens & borders
                                         Preppy Pink - beautiful pink with white ribs, glistens
                                                                      Purple de oro
                               Siloam Ethel Smith - pinkish beige w/deep rose eye, lots of blooms
                                            Siloam New Toy - orchid blend, small flower
                                       Siloam Tee Tiny - beautiful orchid colors w/tiny ruffles
                                      Siloam Ury Winiford - deep cream w/purple eye, ruffled.
                                           All of the Siloam varietes have shorter scapes,
                                             making them great for front garden borders.
                                  South Seas - beautiful colors - pink-tangerine-coral w/gold edge

   Viking Prince - ruby red, classic
     shaped flower,color doesn't fade
                    in sunlight
Wine Delight

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