Sunday, April 21, 2019

Price List and Order Form

Here are the links to our 2019 Price List and Order forms.
If you'd like to place an order, you can also email or call.

                                           Order Form
                                         2019 Price List

We are so looking forward to another daylily season!

Mystical Rainbow

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Daylily Photos R-Z

Rainbow Candy - $8

Raindrop - $6

Raspberry Bouquet - $7

Real Wind - $8

Red Volunteer - $7

Ribbonette - $7

Rocket City - $7

Rooten Tooten Red - SOLD OUT
Rose Emily - $6

Rosy Returns - $6

Royal Palace Prince - $7

Ruby Spider -$12

Ruby Stella - $6

Ruffled Showoff -$8

Russian Easter - $8
Sailieri - $6

Sandra Elizabeth - $10

Scottish Fantasy - $6

Second Thoughts - $8 - 

Siloam Bo Peep - $6

Siloam Cinderella - $6 - BOGO

Siloam David Kirchoff - $8

Siloam Ethel Smith - $6

Siloam June Bug - $6 - BOGO

Siloam Little Fairy - $6

Siloam Merle Kent - $6

Siloam New Toy - $6 - BOGO

Siloam Pink Petite - $6 - BOGO

Siloam Pocket Size - $6 - BOGO

Siloam Red Ruby - $6

Siloam Red Toy - $6

Siloam Royal Prince - $6

Siloam Shocker - $6

Siloam Show Girl - $6

Siloam Tee Tiny - $6 - BOGO

Siloam Ury Winniford - $6 - BOGO

Siloam Virginia Henson - $6 - BOGO

Smith Brothers - $9
Smokey Mountain Autumn - SOLD OUT

Snow Orchid - $6

So Lovely - $6 - BOGO

Solar Power - $6

South Seas - SOLD OUT

Soverign Queen -$9

Spider Miracle - $8

Spindazzle - New - $8 - SOLD OUT

Standing Rock - $8

Starlight Serenede - $8 - BOGO

Stella d'Oro - $6 - BOGO

Strawberry Candy - $6

Strutter's Ball - $7

Sunshine on Clouds - $7 - BOGO

Sweet Butter Cream - $6

Swirling Water - $8
Tetrina's Daughter - $7 - BOGO

Thankful Heart - $6

Thebes - $9

Tide Line - $9

Toy Time - $6

Trahlyta - $6

Tuscawilla Tigress - $7

Vera Biaglow - $6

Viking Prince - $6 - BOGO

Viracocha - SOLD OUT

Vivacious - $6 - BOGO

Wayside King Royale - $10

Wayside Painted Lady -SOLD OUT

Wild Berries 'n' Cream - $11

Will Return - $7

Wilson Spider - $11

Wine Delight - $6 - BOGO

Wineberry Candy - $7 - BOGO

Woodside Amethyst - $6 - BOGO

Woodside Fire Dance - $6
Wyandot - $5

Wynway - $6 - BOGO

Yellow Pinwheel - $7

Yuma - $8

Zambia - $7

Zona Rosa - SOLD OUT