Thursday, June 30, 2016


Daylily Open House is scheduled for 2 weekends this season:

 Saturday/Sunday, July 30/31 and August 6/7,
                    8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. 
 We are also hosting Daylily Week, Monday- Friday, August 1-5,  
                               10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.   

 Lots of time to view daylilies at peak bloom time - hope you can join us!

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Daylily of the Week - Seeing Reds!

Red daylilies add brilliant color to the garden, and pair well with yellows and whites.
Here are a few varieties we have this season~

Chicago Apache - scarlet self, hardy & vigorous.
Height 27", Bloom size 5" - $6

Chicago Ruby - Bright cherry red self, great substance & color.
Height 27", Bloom size 6" - $6

Over There - Bright red w/dusted dark halo & yellow throat
Hieght 28", Bloom size 3.5" - $6

Rooten Tooten Red - Medium red self, ruffled, long blooming
Height 30", Bloom size 5.5 " - $7
Viking Prince - Ruby red self w/gold throat, sunfast
Height 24", Bloom size 5.25" - $6

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

2016 Plant List Photos P-Z

Painted Pink - $8

Pandora's Box - $6

Paper Butterfly - $7

Paradise Prince - $6

Pardon Me - $6

Peaches "n" Cream - $12

Peanut Butter Frenzy - $8

Pearl Lewis - $6

Penny's Worth - $6

Pink Puff - $6

Pink Tangerine - $11

Prague Spring - $9

Prairie Blue Eyes - $6

Preppy Pink - $6
Pretty in Beige - $7

Primal Scream - $18

Pure and Simple - $7

Purple Rain -  $7
Purple Splash - $7

Rainbow Candy - $8

Raindrop - $6

Raspberry Bouquet - $7

Real Wind - $8

Red Volunteer - $8

Rocket City - $7

Rooten Tooten Red - $7

Rose Emily - $6

Rosy Returns - $6

Royal Palace Prince - $7

Ruby Spider - $12

Ruby Stella - $6

Ruffled Showoff - $8

Russian Easter - $8
Sailieri - $6

Scottish Fantasy - $6

Seattle Slew - $6

Second Thoughts - $8

Siamese Royalty -$7

Sigudilla - $7

Siloam Bo Peep - $6

Silaom Cinderella - $6

Siloam David Kirchoff - $8

Siloam Ethel Smith - $6

Siloam June Bug - $6

Siloam Little Fairy - $6

Siloam Merle Kent - $6

Siloam New Toy - $6

Siloam Pink Petite - $6

Siloam Pocket Size - $6

Siloam Red Ruby - $6

Siloam Red Toy - $6

Siloam Royal Prince - $6

Siloam Shocker - $6

Siloam Show Girl - $6

Siloam Tee Tiny -$6

Siloam Ury Winniford - $6

Siloam Virginia Henson - $6

Smith Brothers - $9

So Lovely - $6

Solar Power - $6

South Seas - $7

Soverign Queen - $9

Spanish Harlem - $12

Spider Miracle - $8

Starlight Serenede - $8

Stella d'Oro - $6

Strawberry Candy - $6

Strutter's Ball -$7

Sweet Butter Cream - $6

Swirling Water - $8

Tapiola - $6

Tetrina's Daughter - $7

Thankful Heart - $6
Thebes - $9
Tide Line - $9
Toy Time - $6
Trahlyta - $6
Tuscawilla Tigress - $7
Vera Biaglow - $6
Viking Prince - $6
Viracocha - $6
 Vivacious - $6
Wayside King Royale - $12
Wayside Painted Lady - $9
Wild Berries N'Cream - $13
Wine Delight - $6
Wineberry Candy - $7
Woodside Amethyst - $6
Woodside Fire Dance - $6
Wyandot - $5
Wynway - $6
Yuma - $8
Zambia - $7