Sunday, March 24, 2019

Photos I -P

Imperial Gold - $8 (B)

Indian Giver - $10 -SOLD OUT

Indian Love Call - $8

Infinity - $8

Iridescent Jewell - $6

Ivy Pink - $6

James Marsh - $6 - SOLD OUT

Janice Brown - $8 (B)

Jan's Twister - $8 - SOLD OUT

Jersey Girl - $11

Jersey Spider - $8

Jo Barbre - $6 (B) - this is a beautiful, long blooming and often fragrant double

Jo Jo - $6 - very small bloom, has a wildflower look

Joan Senior - $7 - a favorite white!

Jolyene Nicole -$6

Just Plum Happy - $10  (NEW!)

Karen Sue -$6

Kindly Light - $7  (B)
Lake Norman Spider - $12

Legend - $10 - SOLD OUT

Lemon Custard - $8

Lemon Lace - $9  (B)

Lemon Lollypop - $7  (B)
An early bloomer & re-bloomer!

Leprechaun's Wealth - $6  (B)

Lightning Bug - $6

Likie Register - $8

Lilac Surprise - $7   (B)
Little Grapette - $6

Little Wine Cup - $6

Lullaby Baby - $6   (B)

Lynn's Delight - $7
The photo doesn't capture the beauty of this very early bloomer!

Margaret Seawright - $7

Mary Todd - $6

Mauna Loa - $7

Mayan Poppy - $6

Mesa Tapestry - $8  (NEW!)
A large, mid-late season bloom

Midnight Magic - $6

Midnight Special - $6

Mini Pearl - $6 -  (B)

Miss Jessie - $7
A popular tall Spider variety

Miss Tinkerbell - $7

Mokan Eighty - $7

Mystical Rainbow - $8
Just plain pretty!
Naomi Ruth - $6   (B)

Newberry Blue Eyes - $7

Newberry Echo - $8
A beautiful early bloomer

Night Beacon - $7  (Limited Supply)

Nordic Night - $8

Numinous Moments - $6

Ocean Rain - $9

Open Hearth - $6 - SOLD OUT

Orchid Corsage - $9

Orchid Majesty - $9

Ornate Ruffles -$8 - SOLD OUT

Over There - $6
A lovely small red bloom!
Painted Pink - $8

Painter's Splash - $7 - SOLD OUT

Pandora's Box - $6  (B)

Paradise Prince - $6   (B)

Pardon Me - $6

Pasqueflower - $8

Peaches "n" Cream - $12

Peanut Butter Frenzy - SOLD OUT

Pearl Lewis - $6

Penny's Worth - $6
Great for border gardens or rock gardens

Pink Puff - $6   (B)

Pink Tangerine - $9

Prague Spring - $9

Prairie Blue Eyes - $6

Precious Love - $6   (B)

Preppy Pink - $6   (B)

Pretty in Beige - $7

Pure and Simple - $7

Purple Arachne - $8

Purple de Oro - $7  (B)

Purple Rain - $7

Purple Splash - SOLD OUT