Happy Spring, Everyone!
It really is spring here in the northland. Our grass is green, the leaves are budding, there's a lovely spring rain falling today and the daylilies are coming up nicely. Dates have been set for the 2014 Open House weekends - August 9/10th, August 16/17th and August 23rd/24th, Saturday/Sunday, 8:00 am - 4:00 p.m. Bloom season was later last year, and I am anticipating the same type of season.
If you'd like to order plants earlier in the season, the list is available here - click on the tab "Plant List" and scroll down (the photo is the same on each page). I am extending the 10% discount for orders through June 30th. Photos will be available soon.
The farm is open by appointment in addition to the Open House weekends....weeders welcome :-).
Happy Gardening!